Savings & Money Market
Find the right savings account
When you’re ready to put your money to work, The Southern Bank can help. We offer several saving options, including personal savings and money market accounts, to help meet your financial goals.

Southern Savings
- Only $50 minimum opening deposit.
- Avoid a $2.50 monthly maintenance fee by maintaining a $100 minimum daily balance.
- Competitive rate of interest paid on all balances, interest is compounded and credited quarterly.
- Variable interest rate (rate may change at any time).
- A $2.50 fee will be imposed for every withdrawal over six (6) per month.
- Free Online Banking
- Free Mobile Banking with Mobile Deposit
- Free Text Banking
- Free Telephone Banking

Southern Money Market
- Only $50 minimum opening deposit.
- Avoid a $10 monthly maintenance fee by maintaining a $2,500 minimum daily balance.
- Interest rates are tiered, and interest is compounded and credited monthly.
- Variable interest rate (rate may change at any time)
- A $5 fee will be imposed for every withdrawal over six (6) in the statement cycle.
- Free Online Banking
- Free Mobile Banking with Mobile Deposit
- Free Text Banking
- Free Telephone Banking
Here to Help You Succeed